Occupational Health Program: Post Exposure Management

Risk Assessment after Exposure

Conduct a risk assessment after potential occupational exposures to any Tier 1 BSAT. Assessment of the potential exposure risk should cover the following circumstances:

  • All breaches in the established safety practices while working with Tier 1 BSAT
  • All injuries incurred inside laboratory when handling Tier 1 BSAT
  • Unexplained acute illness or febrile disease in a Tier 1 BSAT worker
  • All incidents covered under section 19(b) of the select agent regulations including:
    • Occupational exposure to a select agent or toxin
    • Release of a select agent or toxin outside of the primary containment barriers

For additional information, please see the FSAP Guidance Document for the Completion of APHIS/CDC Form 3 [PDF – 409 KB].

The exposure risk assessment should identify all potentially exposed individuals. Consider the following factors when assessing exposure risk after an incident:

  • Agent or toxin information
  • The nature of the mishap and associated circumstances
  • The specific personal protective equipment worn at the time of the incident
  • First aid procedures performed in response to the incident
  • Personal health issues that may make an individual more susceptible to infection

Enhanced OHP Elements

For personnel working with Ebolavirus, Marburg virus, Variola major virus, Variola minor virus, and Yersinia pestis, isolation provisions and protocols must be considered for inclusion in the OHP.

These agents may be relatively easy to transmit from person-to-person and therefore may pose a significant public health risk. To limit potential exposure to the general public, consider isolation of patients with confirmed or suspected illness caused by these agents.

Policies for Agents without Treatment Options

Since there is no pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis, nor well established treatment options at the present time available for several of the Tier 1 BSAT, entities in possession of these agents should develop plans for providing post exposure care and support for workers.