ACTING Director, Division of Regulatory Science and Compliance
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Daniel Singer is the acting director of the Division of Regulatory Science and Compliance (DRSC) in the Office of Readiness and Response (ORR) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In this role, he oversees two regulatory programs—the Federal Select Agent Program and the Import Permit Program—to ensure that laboratory work with infectious biological agents and toxins is conducted as safely and securely as possible.
Dr. Singer most recently served as the Director for Countering Biological Threats on the National Security Council at the White House. He is an internal medicine physician with expertise in infectious disease outbreak response and health policy who has worked in multiple countries on five continents.
Dr. Singer began his public health career at CDC as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer in 1999. He left the agency for a series of distinguished federal positions focusing on global health and the integration of science and policy. After serving as the Eighth Luther Terry Health Policy Fellow in the HHS Office of the Secretary, he joined the HHS Office of Global Affairs and was assigned as the Senior Medical Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of State’s Office of International Health and Biodefense. Dr. Singer then was recruited to be Associate Director for Global Health Research and International Activities at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, part of the National Institutes of Health. He returned to CDC in 2012, first to the CDC programs in Malawi and Mozambique and then as the Regional Director for Central Asia where he managed four CDC offices in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
Dr. Singer received his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and his M.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. He did his internal medicine residency at the University of Maryland and completed his Masters in Public Health in International Health at Johns Hopkins University.
Director, Division of Agricultural Select Agents and Toxins
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Dr. Jack Taniewski is the Director of the Division of Agricultural Select Agents and Toxins (DASAT) at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Emergency and Regulatory Compliance Services (ERCS). In this role, he oversees the Federal Select Agent Program to ensure that laboratory work with infectious biological select agents and toxins complies with federal regulations and is conducted as safely and securely as possible.
Dr. Taniewski is a graduate of the Academy of Agriculture and Technology (Olsztyn, Poland) with more than 30 years of veterinary expertise. After several years in private practice, Dr. Taniewski joined the USDA in 1998, and APHIS in 2003. He has supported the USDA mission to provide leadership on agriculture issues through a variety of regulatory enforcement, policy development, and program administration roles, ranging from an Inspector in Charge with the Food Safety and Inspection Service to the Animal Export Director in Veterinary Services. Before his selection as the DASAT Director, Dr. Taniewski was the National Director for Live Animal Import/Export, leading the development of policies for international animal movement.