ACTING Director, Division of Regulatory Science and Compliance
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Joanne Andreadis is the acting director of the Division of Regulatory Science and Compliance (DRSC) in the Office of Readiness and Response (ORR) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In this role, she oversees the Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP), U.S. National Authority for Containment of Poliovirus (NAC), and CDC Import Permit Program (IPP) to ensure that laboratory work with infectious biological agents and toxins complies with relevant federal regulations and U.S. policies, and is conducted as safely and securely as possible.
Dr. Andreadis also serves as the ORR Associate Director for Science and leads the CDC Office of Science and Laboratory Readiness. In this role, she provides leadership on scientific quality, integrity, and research as it applies to preparedness and response efforts. She oversees the ORR Board of Scientific Counselors and strategic foresight initiative.
Finally, Dr. Andreadis also serves as the Senior Advisor for Laboratory Preparedness where she provides scientific leadership on laboratory readiness and emergency diagnostics and fosters opportunities to support CDC’s mission through partnerships across government, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and communities.
Dr. Andreadis joined CDC in 2002 as the Chief of the Botulism Public Health Research and Preparedness Unit, and in 2008, served as the Innovation Lead for the Office Strategy and Innovation, Office of the Director at CDC.
Before coming to CDC, Dr. Andreadis served as a principal investigator at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, in Washington D.C. Her work entailed developing methods to support the production of artificial biological polymers, tissue-based biological sensors, and high-throughput, multivariate tests for identification, subtyping, and profiling biothreat agents.
Dr. Andreadis earned her Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Maryland.
Director, Division of Agricultural Select Agents and Toxins
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Dr. Jack Taniewski is the Director of the Division of Agricultural Select Agents and Toxins (DASAT) at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Emergency and Regulatory Compliance Services (ERCS). In this role, he oversees the Federal Select Agent Program to ensure that laboratory work with infectious biological select agents and toxins complies with federal regulations and is conducted as safely and securely as possible.
Dr. Taniewski is a graduate of the Academy of Agriculture and Technology (Olsztyn, Poland) with more than 30 years of veterinary expertise. After several years in private practice, Dr. Taniewski joined the USDA in 1998, and APHIS in 2003. He has supported the USDA mission to provide leadership on agriculture issues through a variety of regulatory enforcement, policy development, and program administration roles, ranging from an Inspector in Charge with the Food Safety and Inspection Service to the Animal Export Director in Veterinary Services. Before his selection as the DASAT Director, Dr. Taniewski was the National Director for Live Animal Import/Export, leading the development of policies for international animal movement.