APHIS/CDC Form 2 Quick Reference Guide: Section 2 – Sender

  1. The Sender logs into eFSAP. On the entity homepage, click Form Locate the appropriate Transfer ID number and click Edit Section 2image icon.
    1. For question 15, select the appropriate select agent or toxin from the dropdown menu.
    2. For question 16, select the appropriate agent characterization from the dropdown list.
    3. Complete questions 17-19, then click the Add Shipped
    4. For Section E, questions 20-22, ensure the information is accurate.
    5. For Section F, questions 23-27, shipping information must be completed. Include an accurate description of the package.
    6. For Signature of Senderimage icon, type your name and title in the appropriate fields. The date will auto-populate.
    7. Click Submit. Clicking Close does NOT submit Section 2 or save the information. Clicking Save Draft does NOT submit the Section 2 but saves the information.
  2. Click the Print Formimage icon button at the top of the form to print the Form 2 information that can be included with the package.
Page last reviewed: July 15, 2021