Quick Reference Guide:
Form 2 Section 1 – Cancel Transfer – Recipient
- Transfer requests can be cancelled from Section 1 during Transfer in Review and Approved Section 2 Pending status. The requests must be cancelled before Section 2 is completed by the recipient.
- The Recipient logs into eFSAP. On the entity homepage, click Form 2. Locate the Transfer ID number from the list. Click Edit Section 1.
- Type your name and title in the appropriate fields. The date will auto-populate.
- Click the Cancel Transferimage icon button located below the Signature Clicking Close button does not cancel transfer and does not save any changes made.
- A dialog box will ask, “Clicking OK, the form status will be changed to Transfer Cancelled. Do you wish to proceed?” Click OK. Note: Entity can provide a reason for cancelling the transfer in the General Discussion box below.
Page last reviewed: December 4, 2020
Content source: Division of Regulatory Science and Compliance